Communion #17

The Last Supper was a busy night. Jesus not only had to deal with the knowledge of his coming death, but he also confronted his betrayer, settled an argument between the disciples, and instituted a ceremony that believers would practice for thousands of years to come. 

With so much on his plate, you would think that having to settle a debate about who is the greatest would have felt so menial. Like those times when you’re in a conversation and it feels like everyone is missing the point. But Jesus, despite having his own problems was able to attend to the needs of those around Him. 

Christ love is perfect. He is able to consider us all, love us all, and have a relationship with us all. He doesn’t forget us, He doesn’t overlook us, and He always includes us. 

But the demonstration of His perfect love was seen most powerfully at the cross of Calvary. It was here that He opened a door of invitation to all humankind that could never be closed again. He poured out His love for us, by allowing all the sin, hatred and condemnation to be poured upon Him. 

Christ love is perfect.


Communion #18


Communion #16